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What is the role of the Farm Service Agency?

The Farm Service Agency (FSA) is an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) that serves all farmers, ranchers and agricultural partners through the delivery of effective, efficient agricultural programs for all Americans. The agency provides America’s farmers with a strong safety net through the administration of farm commodity and disaster programs. FSA’s longstanding tradition of conserving the nation’s natural resources continues through the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). The agency provides credit to agricultural producers who are unable to receive private, commercial credit, including special emphasis on beginning, minority and women farmers and ranchers, and purchases and delivers commodities for use in international humanitarian food programs. 

FSA programs include:

  • Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) crop insurance programs
  • Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Loans
  • Conservation Loan Program
  • Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
  • Dairy Indemnity Payment Program
  • Direct Farm Ownership and Operating Loans
  • Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP)
  • Emergency Loan Program
  • Farm Storage Facility Loans
  • Foreign Food Assistance
  • Livestock Forage Disaster Program
  • Margin Protection Program for Dairy
  • Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program
  • Tree Assistance Program
  • United States Warehouse Act
  • Youth Loans

FSA Programs Fact Sheet

For a full list of programs and descriptions, visit