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Casting into Spring on Kentucky’s Waterways

Spring is upon us and many people love to grab their fishing poles and head to the water to go fishing. Have you ever wondered how many fish are swimming in across Kentucky's waterways?

According to the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife, “Kentucky is home to a total of 244 different fish species. The largest proportion of Kentucky’s fish fauna (80%) includes darters, minnows, suckers, madtoms, smaller sunfishes, and other groups (e.g., lampreys) that are rarely seen by most people.”

Largemouth bass

Even though the majority of the fish population in Kentucky is rarely seen, it is still vitally important for the water ecosystem, since they provide food and cleanup for rivers and lakes.

There are several thousand waterways throughout the Commonwealth. If you like to fish, more than likely, you are less than a few miles away from an easily accessible waterway.

To learn more about the species swimming in Kentucky’s rivers, streams, and lakes, visit[1].pdf

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