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Scott Christmas: Organizational Program Director

Scott Christmas

Job Title: Director of Women’s Programs, Agriculture Education, and Member Benefits

Employer: Kentucky Farm Bureau

Hired: August 2006

As the son of a well-known extension poultry science professor and researcher at the University of Florida, Scott knew he wanted a career in agriculture. He and his brothers were active in FFA, and they travelled to meetings all over the continent with their dad, Bruce Christmas, Sr. Scott had a solid understanding of agriculture issues and a passion for the industry.

Scott earned his degree in Agriculture Economics in Florida with the goal of obtaining a sales position with Purina. He had that job for three years but then realized it was not the career for him. He then landed a job with Florida Farm Bureau as the Director of Young Farmers and Women’s Programs and remained there for 13 years. It was his love of a more temperate climate that encouraged him to apply for the role he has in Kentucky today.

Scott also said he loves the people and the organization he works for, and he cannot imagine a job more important than speaking on behalf of agriculture.

“You must see yourself as a servant,” advised Scott on taking a leadership role. “Listen as much as you can to gain insight from those in the industry so you can represent American agriculture well. If you have a passion, feed that passion, and learn from people who work in the field. Many of us are PR specialists, creating respect for what our farmers do. That is why I am so passionate about agriculture literacy.”