Posts in Challenges
UK students provide monarchs a rest stop and nursery

It’s an epic journey by a creature so fragile that it is almost beyond the imagination. Thousands of times a monarch butterfly’s wings stroke the air, buffeted by winds and soaked by rains on its 3,000-mile autumn trip from southern Canada to central Mexico. Faced by numerous threats, their populations are in decline. University of Kentucky graduate student Jerrod Penn spearheaded a project to collect data and also help the butterfly.

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ChallengesJennifer Elwell
Protecting the Public

Whether it’s nuisance weeds like thistle and teasel, or insects like mosquitoes and black flies, these “pests” can cause as much stress as they can damage. While Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices are a key component to the solution, the Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA) recognizes that pesticides also hold risks and must be regulated to protect human health and the environment.

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ChallengesJennifer Elwell
Hunger in Kentucky

Did you know one in six Kentuckians, including one in five children, is food insecure? That means they lack reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food. And for too many Kentucky residents, hunger is a harsh reality.

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