Student Activities

The goal of Kentucky Food and Farms Files is to provide students and teachers access to timely, relevant texts and videos about Kentucky agriculture. The following are suggestions for ways students can use the site:

Article Reading Comprehension

Select an article from the Featured Articles page and answer the following questions:

Before You Read/View
1. What do you think is the subject of this article or video?
2. What do you know about this subject, or what opinion do you have about this subject?
3. Note the  source, author, and date of the article or video. Do you believe the source/author is credible and the information is still relevant? Why or why not?

As You Read/View
4. As you read or watch, write down any terms that are new to you. Use context—the surrounding text or information—to create a definition of those terms.

After You Read/View
5. Write down two new facts or statements you learned from reading the article or viewing the video. 
6. Did the information change any opinions you had about the subject? Why? 
7. Write a short (25 words or less) summary, fact, or opinion statement that you would want to share with your friends/peers about this subject. 

Educators may download a PDF of these questions to post in front of the room or hand out to each student: 

Questions to Guide Your Understanding (PDF)


Career Exploration

View the career profiles and use this career information organizer to collect information about careers that interest you.


Compare Agriculture in Different Counties

View the County Ag Data and select three counties (one can be your own). Use this graphic organizer to collect your information.


Promote Local Farms

Help us promote farms in your community by writing profiles for local farms. Provide us with a great photo (at least 800 pixels wide) and a summary of the operation between 100 and 250 words. Be sure to include where the the farm is located, what is produced, and any interesting information. Links to social media sites or websites are also welcome. Submit those to

For more agricultural and food connections/resources, visit, or click the image above.