Posts in Policy
2016 Kentucky net farm income likely to hit lowest level since 2010

Kentucky net farm income is expected to dip to less than $1.5 billion in 2016, down from $1.7 billion in 2015 and potentially its lowest level since 2010. A significant decline in cash receipts the past couple of years, plus the end of tobacco buyout payments in 2014, have been the major reasons behind the rapid fall in Kentucky’s net farm income since peaking at nearly $3 billion in 2013.

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PolicyJennifer Elwell
Export Market Value

Agricultural exports will increase by 30 percent over the next decade, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) projections. This is due in part to global population growth and a rise in demand for food and fiber. That’s why the Kentucky Department of Agriculture(KDA), the World Trade Center Kentucky, and the University of Kentucky are working diligently to help the state’s producers and agribusinesses capitalize on that demand.

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PolicyJennifer Elwell
Ag Policy Keeps Industry Growing Stronger Every Day

Securing working capital is often one of the largest hurdles agricultural programs must jump in order to achieve success. The Governor’s Office of Agricultural Policy, which was established in 1998 to provide a link between the governor’s office and the ag industry, awards grants, low- interest loans, and other financial incentives through the Kentucky Agricultural Development Fund to help the industry evolve and grow.

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PolicyJennifer Elwell
Water Management Working Group Sees Accomplishments in First Year

Over the past three decades, Kentucky has experienced at least five significant droughts resulting in immeasurable crop and livestock losses and often pitted urban and rural users against each other. Last year Kentucky Farm Bureau (KFB) initiated a Water Management Working Group (WMWG) comprised of a diverse group of experts from the agriculture, natural resources and governmental agency sectors to devise plans to combat water issues proactively as opposed to reacting to a situation once it has occurred.

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Pasture to Plate

Increased interest in locally sourced foods has provided a growing market for small farms selling produce directly through farmers’ markets and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) across the Commonwealth, and livestock producers are finding their niche as well.

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PolicyJennifer Elwell
What is the Role of the Kentucky Department of Agriculture?

Most Kentuckians know about Kentucky Proud, and you may be aware of the Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s duties and services for the state’s agriculture industry. But most of the department’s responsibilities are to protect consumers and regulate industries. To commemorate National Agriculture Day, I’d like to tell you about all the things the Kentucky Department of Agriculture does for you.

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PolicyJennifer Elwell