Mapping Disease

Jacqueline Smith, PhD '12, epidemiologist at UK's Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, has created digital maps of reported rabies cases in Kentucky. Smith is putting to use the knowledge she has acquired as an epidemiologist and in her studies in geographic information systems, or GIS mapping.

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More than a pretty face; study shows agriculture’s impact on Woodford’s economy

Very few would dispute the beauty of Kentucky farmland in the lushness of spring. But a study by the University of Kentucky’s Community and Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky shows that agriculture is more than just a pretty face. In Woodford County, agriculture and the businesses that support it are responsible for one out of three jobs and $565 million in annual revenue.

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CountyJennifer Elwell
Candid Conversation with Dean Nancy Cox

KFB Candid Conversation presents a discussion about the topical issues facing the agricultural industry in a question and answer format with a member of the agricultural community. In this column, the issue of agricultural research and extension are discussed with Dean Nancy Cox of the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment.

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Water Quantity Management

Harvesting one of earth's most precious natural resources

When considering what natural resources we need the most to survive, water ranks at or near the top. According to NASA Science, "So far, scientists know of no living things, even the smallest microorganisms that can live without liquid water."

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Take the middle fork to a Kentucky Proud meal

In a world where many owners list their businesses and products in capital letters to draw attention, Mark Jensen has a different philosophy. It’s no typographical error that middle fork kitchen bar breaks a grammatical rule by preferring its name written entirely in lower-case letters.

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FoodJennifer Elwell