Posts in Farmers
Cambellsville Farmer Turns Waste into Wattage

As if owning and operating eight chicken barns wasn't enough, Campbellsville farmer John McLean is turning waste into wattage–literally. McLean owns two very different anaerobic digesters. Anaerobic digestion is a series if biological processes in which microorganisms break down biomass in the absence of oxygen. One of the end products is biogas, which is combusted to generate electricity and heat, or can be processed into renewable natural gas and transportation fuels.

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Farmers on the Run

More and more people are catching "running" fever these days, and it has even infected rural America. I still cannot get over the number of my farm friends who are running 5Ks, 10Ks, and even competing in IRONMAN competitions. You would think that farming life would give them all the exercise they could ever need.

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Kentucky’s Wine Industry Grows As New Commercial Vineyards Open

Kentucky may be known for its bourbon, but there’s another adult beverage with deep roots here – wine. In fact, the first commercial vineyard in America was established on the Kentucky River in 1799, and by the mid-19th century, the Commonwealth was the third largest wine-producing state in the country.

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Kentucky Wheat Production: The Grain Chain

Wheat seed is not very big, but what it helps produce is huge. Kentucky farmers, like the Hunts in Hopkinsville, plant that tiny seed in their fields in mid-to-late October. By June, it has developed into grain that helps fuel economies, create jobs, build corporate partnerships, and most importantly, provide nourishment to countless numbers of people every day in Kentucky and across the nation.

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